Garbage disposal Do you bit to keep things clean. CONTACT BUILDING MANAGEMENT

Garbage rooms

There are two garbage/waste rooms located within GSO, the north and south rooms. Please be careful that your garbage bag does not leak on to the carpet on the way to the Waste
Room, and tidy up after yourself accordingly.

Red bins

Each room has large waste bins with red lids for the disposal of general garbage (no large items or furniture is to be placed in these bins). If the red bin reaches its maximum limit for lid closure, please use the next bin.

Yellow bins

These are the recycling bins, please follow the instructions within the bin room for what can and cannot be placed in these bins. If you have large cardboard boxes please break them down to fit into the bins. Do not leave them outside the bins, unless they simply don’t fit. Remove your recycling from any plastic bag.

Furniture/large items

If you do have a large volume of garbage, please contact building management or City of SYDNEY Council about proper disposal methods.

If one large bin is overflowing please use the next bin to assist the cleaners on garbage day

Too Full – Use Next Bin If Possible

Aim to keep bins more like below